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| Kingdom Hearts Recap Master Post |
| Adventures of Action!Axel |

358/2 Days - The End

I cried... I didn't cry like a baby but I cried in two different parts. You know going into this game that it is not going to end well. In KH2 there is NO mention of Xion, not even a hint of her; Roxas goes back to Sora; Axel explodes himself to save Sora. So... you know whats going to happen. There's an unchangeable history there. You can beat Riku on you first try, but that won't stop the next cut scene. It's... so disheartening. I generally love all three of those characters, I want them to be happy. I want them to be able to eat ice cream on the clock tower and talk about nothing and live some semblance of a normal life.

This game... it's reaffirmed my love for the series. The music is gorgeous, and the cut scenes are so well put together. The game play is actually rather challenging, and requires you to think differently from how you would play as Sora. I have to recommend it. I think... it might even be a good jumping off point if you really want to get into the Kingdom Hearts series.

It's just... so frustrating, especially as an Axel fan. He's the one left all alone at the end of the game. There are amazing moments between the three of them, and you just love and care for them all so much... and you just know the whole time it isn't going to end up well. The game did try to explain the circumstances, and it brought a level of understanding that KH2 didn't... but I still think its unfair. I still hate DiZ, I still hate what they did to these people just because somebody said that Nobodies don't have hearts.

So... Birth by Sleep is coming out soon. Probably within a year, but lets shift our focus to KH3. Here's what I want: I want more Axel. I do. I think... as a villain Axel would be excellent. Perhaps not as Nobody!Axel, but as Heartless!Axel. Powerful Nobodies got to have equally powerful Heartless running around too, right? I just... I want him to get some semblance of revenge. His life was basically torn apart, not once but twice. First Lea (BY THE WAY I SO TOTALLY GOT THAT NAME RIGHT ABOUT THREE YEARS AGO, SUCK IF FANGIRLS) gets jumped by Heartless and becomes a Nobody, then Axel loses both of his best friends. I know some of you would probably say what Axel did wasn't right... but as somebody who really identifies with Axel I can't say I wouldn't do the same thing. Sometimes you keep secrets if you think it'll make somebody else happy, if you think it'll keep them safe.

I'm... I'm not sure what I'm going to do after I've finished this game. I'm so torn and hurt and I've got that bad feeling in my chest like somebody's holding my heart in their fist. ...I really like Xion's theme, now its stuck in my head. :C

358/2 - Days 27-72: Grains of Dust

Here's what I really love about this game... it reaffirms my love for Axel. Hell it makes me understand it more. You see, Axel pops up and is such a conniving bastard a lot of the HARD CORE fans hate his guts. There is no honor in being an Axel...

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358/2 - Days 15-26: The Tower of Sad Ice Cream

One of the reasons I love Kingdom Hearts is because it makes me think in a weird metaphorical way that I don't normally think in. Also it's mostly mindless gaming. Umm... first of the spoiler tags... I fear they'll be growing. D...

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358/2 - Days 1-14: Roxas is Everybody's Bitch

I'm gonna try to do this, a running commentary on 358/2 Days. I'm gonna try to keep it mostly spoiler free, just basically what happens that day. Mostly me being snarky and probably frustrated. Enjoy: So I figure I'm FUCKING ROXAS! THE K...

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